Badges of 




Proficiency Badges of Boys’ Brigade Past and Present

The first Boys’ Brigade Uniform Badge, the Officers’ Cap Badge,
was introduced in 1886 and the number in use has risen steadily ever since.

Boys’ Brigade proficiency badges started in the 1890’s
and can generally be split into three groups.

Click on the title for more information

SERIES 1 - Badges pre-1968

The first proficiency badge was a woven cloth Ambulance Badge dating between 1891-1893. By 1893 this was replaced by a nickel badge and this was the beginnings of the first award badges in the Boys’ Brigade. Badges pre 1939 were generally given a frosted finish with raised areas being polished. The number continued to grow until the last one, Expedition, was introduced in 1964. These nickel badges had an average weight between 6g - 8g. This whole scheme was withdrawn in 1968 and a completely new structure, with new designs introduced.

SERIES 2 - Badges 1969 - 1984

The second scheme had 24 barrel shaped badges. These were introduced in 1969 and were produced in a bronzed anodised aluminium with an average weight of 4g per badge. In 1976 production was changed and the badges were made from plastic, vacuum coated with a metallic finish and coloured plastic decals inserted. The average weight of these badges was 2g. The barrel badges were discontinued in 1984.

SERIES 3 - Badges 1983 - Present

1983, the Centenary year, saw the last major revision when the current badges were introduced. Five new badges replaced the twenty-four awards with red and blue surrounds to indicated the level. Generally, these badges are made of metal covered with a ‘cold enamel’ coloured coating, although some are decals covered with clear epoxy resin. The average weight of these badges is 8g. Since their introduction these badges have not changed in design.

Other significant Badges can be grouped as follows.
Click on the title for more information.

Advanced Awards
  The Seniors' Award,  Duke of Edinburgh's Award Badges,
President's Badges,  King's and Queen's Badges &
Founder's Badge.
Efficiency / Service Awards
The Five-Pointed or "White Star",  One Year Efficiency Badge,
One Year Service Badge, Three Year Anchor, 
Three Year Service Badge, Long Service Badges, 
Brigade Service Badge
The Life Boys/Junior Section Service Badge
Gold Achievement Service Badges &
National Service Badges.
Junior Section & Anchor Boys Awards
The Junior Section Achievement Scheme,
Junior Section Service Badges &
Anchor Boy Achievement Badge.

Several mentions are made of The Boys’ Life Brigade, (BLB). This Organisation, which ran on very similar lines, was united with the Boys’ Brigade from the 1st October 1926. During the year following amalgamation various amendments were made to the Badge structure, incorporating elements from the systems of both organisations. But the main change was to the Crest of the BOYS’ BRIGADE, when the red Cross of the Boys’ Life Brigade was placed behind the Anchor of the Boys’ Brigade producing the emblem that is known today.

If you want to find out everything there is to know about BB Badges and more get the new book "Badges of the Brigade - Volume I" for more information click HERE

If you want to find out more about the BB Collectors Club click HERE.

If you have any old BB Badges or Memorabilia that you want to find a good home for please contact me with details and I can help put you in touch with members of the BB Collectors Club who may be interested with what you have on offer.  Click HERE

                          References & Acknowledgements
Badges of the Brigade - Volume I, R.Bolton, L.Howie & B.Mandry, RB Publishing 2000
Boys of the Brigade - Volume I, R.Bolton, SB Publications 1991
Boys of the Brigade - Volume II, R.Bolton, RB Publishing 1993
Badges of the Boys’ Brigade, M.Ellis, BB Supplies Archive Press 1985

These pages have been compiled by K. Aitchison (13th Edinburgh Company).  Many thanks to Rob Bolton for his support an encouragement and for proof reading these pages before publishing to the Web.

If you have any old BB Badges or Memorabilia that you want to find a good home for please contact me with details and I can help put you in touch with members of the BB Collectors Club who may be interested with what you have on offer.  Click HERE

Got any comments about these pages? Please email us to tell us any ideas you have for improvements - whether this is your first or fiftieth visit! These pages are maintained by Kevin Aitchison

All Images Copyright © 2000 RB Publishing reproduced by kind permission  
Text Compiled by K.Aitchison, 13th Edinburgh.  Copyright © 2001 The Boys' Brigade.
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