Proficiency Badges – Series 3 (1983 onwards)

The Centenary year, 1983, saw a major revision of the awards system. Five new badges replaced the twenty four awards, and 46 metallic foil stickers (Credits) accompanied them.  When a boy gained two credits in a category, he gained the badge. A further two credits and he received a red plastic surround and with one further credit he gained a blue surround.


                          Target 1                               


Awarded for not less than eight weeks continuous service.  Topics covered: Basic Boys’ Brigade Knowledge, Simple Drill, Knots, Use of a Compass, Physical Activities, First Aid, Safety and Christian Faith. 

Target 2


Awarded for a further minimum of four months service. Topics covered include: Boys’ Brigade Knowledge, Drill, An introduction to the Award Scheme, A programme of Physical Activities, Adventure Activities, Interest Activities and Christian Faith.

The following Badges are gained after a required number of credits have been earned. There are also red and blue flashes (which fit around the Badges) to show Grades 2 and 3 of this Award system.

Adventure (Blue enamel)


Credits include: Camping, Climbing, Discovery, Expeditions, Hostelling, Map Making & Surveying, Mountain Biking, Mountaineering, Orienteering, Pioneering, Seamanship and Wayfaring.

Leadership (White enamel)


Credits include: Christian Faith, Drill, and Leadership.

Community (Green enamel)


Credits include: Citizenship, Conservation, Crime Prevention, Fire Prevention, Fire Aid, Health & Fitness, International, Life Saving, Home & Personal Safety and Road & Cycle Safety.

Interests (Yellow enamel)


Credits include: Arts, Bible Knowledge, Crafts, Communications, Computing, Drill, Hobbies, Music, Ornithology and Wild Life.

Physical (Red enamel)

Credits include: Athletics, Canoeing, Diving, Gymnastics, Physical Recreation, Sailing, Sportsman, and Swimming.

If you want to find out everything there is to know about BB Badges and more get the new book Badges of the Brigade - Volume I for more information click HERE


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All Images Copyright © 2000 RB Publishing reproduced by kind permission  
Text Compiled by K.Aitchison, 13th Edinburgh.  Copyright © 2001 The Boys' Brigade.
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