Proficiency Badges – Series 2a (1968-1976)

Proficiency Badges – Series 2b (1976-1984)


The 1968 Proficiency Badge Structure.  Badges were originally aluminium anodised with a bronze finish (left of names) then changed to Plastic in 1976 (right of names) and  discontinued August 1984. Regulations regarding these Badges generally in keeping with the spirit of the previous structure and the title of the Badge.


Arts               Athletics
Bandmans’   Buglers’
Camping Canoeing
Christian Education Communications
Crafts Drill
Drummers’ Expedition
First Aid Hobbies
International Life Saving
Naturalists’ Physical
Pipers’ Safety
Sailing Seamanship
Sportsmans’ Swimming


Target Awards

The first Badge for all Company Section Boys. Introduced at two levels Target 1 - Bronze (left) and Target 2 - Silver (right).  This was changed to one level having a multicoloured centre in 1976 (below).  To gain this badge boys needed, three months attendance, attainment of recognised standards in knowledge of the Boys’ Brigade, simple drill, physical agilities, service to others and religious knowledge.

If you want to find out everything there is to know about BB Badges and more get the new book Badges of the Brigade - Volume I for more information click HERE


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All Images Copyright © 2000 RB Publishing reproduced by kind permission  
Text Compiled by K.Aitchison, 13th Edinburgh.  Copyright © 2001 The Boys' Brigade.
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